JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Golkar Party politician, Bambang Soesatyo, rate, post-cabinet reshuffle announced by President Susilo Bambang Yudhono, Tuesday (10/18/2011) night, do not meet the criteria of the cabinet of experts consisting of professionals or Zaken cabinet. According to Bambang, the posture of the United Indonesia Cabinet today more reflect the wishes of the President to maintain the balance of power.
"Because instead of talking about law enforcement and eradication of corruption that has made the image worse these days, clean the cabinet of the alleged problem of corruption was not he did," said a member of Commission III of this, to Kompas.com, on Wednesday(10/19/2011).
He said the effectiveness of government can also be decreased due to the presence of dozens of deputy minister without a clear job descriptions and clear. According to him, the figure of deputy ministers from outside the relevant ministries could be a factor that fosters internal jealousy.
"I also expect further disharmony in the number of ministries, and the disharmony that is the source or the primary cause of the low effectiveness of the SBY government until 2014," said Bambang.
Bambang said the uncertainty factor of authority and job descriptions can push the deputy minister general secretary (secretary general), the director general (director general), and the Inspector General (Inspector General) bypass the deputy minister. Ministry will be more severe conditions in case of rivalry between the ministers and deputy ministers, or between the Secretary General as the number two ministries with the deputy minister.
"Probably that's what they should watch out for the President and vice president. Because no Zaken cabinet character, not realistic to expect KiB-II post-reshuffle is more productive and able to minimize the impact of the threat of a global economic crisis," he said.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has finally announced a reshuffle of United Indonesia Cabinet II at the State Palace on Tuesday (10/18/2011) night. The number of ministers in the cabinet still 34 people. In this new formation, eight ministers out of cabinet and replaced by new officials, while the four ministers shifted to a new position. This morning, the "residents" new KiB II was officially inaugurated by President SBY at the State Palace, Jakarta.
sebagai presiden yang punya hak prerogatif, seharusnya pak sby ndak perlulah diskusi sama2 parpol. toh ujung2nya malah ndak menguntungkan buat rakyat, apalagi jabatannya hanya tinggal 3 tahun lagi.