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Arrowroot is an area in West Java. Is a fertile area and has many tourist attractions. One of them is bagendit Situ. And this story is about the origin of Bagendit situ formation.
In the ancient times to the north of arrowroot there is a village whose inhabitants were mostly farmers. Because land in the village is very fertile and is never short of water, the rice fields they always produce abundant rice. But even so, the inhabitants of the village poor still lack.
It was still a little dark and the dew still clings in the foliage, but the residents had rushed to their fields. Today is the day of harvest. They will reap the yellowed rice and sell it to a middleman named Nyai Endit.
Nyai Endit is the richest man in the village. His house was luxurious, rice barns are very broad because it should be sufficient to accommodate all the rice bought from farmers in the village. Yes! All the farmers. And not by voluntary farmers were selling their crops to Nyai Endit.Mereka forced to sell all their crops at a low price if you do not want to look for cases with a guard-watchman housekeeper Endit messenger. And if their rice supply runs out, they should buy from a gammer Endit prices soared.
"Well ya fate when we change?" Said a farmer to his friend. "I can not stand living like this. Why Well, God does not punish the usurer that? "
"Shhh, do not too loud, there will be a heard!" Replied his friend. "We have to wait mah! Later also will come retaliation in kind for people who like doing injustice to others. God's house never sleeps! "
While it was checking Nyai Endit rice granary.
"Barja" said the housekeeper Endit. "How? Are all the rice has been purchased? "Said the housekeeper Endit.
"Nyi's done!" Replied the watchman named Barja. "It should be checked Nyi barn! The barn is full filled with rice, and even some of us still keep out because it was no longer fit. "
"Ha ha ha ha ...! Soon they will run out of rice and will buy padiku. I will get rich! Good! Keep an eye on the farmers, do not let them sell their crops to other places. Give a lesson for anyone who defied! "Said Nyai Endit.
Sure enough, a few weeks later, the villagers began to run out of food and many were already suffering from hunger. While Nyai Endit always feast on lavish meals at home.
"Oh sir, our rice supply is running low. Soon we are forced to buy rice to Nyai Endit. Next door neighbor said the price is now five times more than the time we sell first. How ya sir? And we also need to buy other necessities. O Lord, give us relief at the expense of what we carry. "
That grumbling the villagers over abuses Nyai Endit.
One hot afternoon, from the end of the village seems a grandmother who walked bent over. He passed through residential areas with a look full of pity.
"Hmm, sorry for these residents. They suffer just because of one man's behavior. It seems like this should be immediately terminated, "thought the old woman.
He walked over to a resident who was pounding rice.
"Nyi! I asked passengers, "said the grandmother.
"My grandma what is it?" Said Nyi Asih pound rice is the
"Where can I find the most wealthy people in this village?" Said the grandmother
"Oh, grandmother's house Nyi Endit mean?" Said Nyi Mercy. "It's close to grandma. Grandma lived to see the T-junction go straight. Then turn left grandmother. Later the grandmother will see a very large house. That's her home. What does grandma have the same need Nyi Endit? "
"I want to ask for alms," said the grandmother.
"Ah it's useless grandmother asked him, going ga given. If hungry grandma, grandma can eat at my house, but sober, "said Nyi Mercy.
"No," replied the grandmother. "I just want to know his reaction if there are beggars asking for alms. Oh yes, please you tell other people to get ready to evacuate. Because soon there will be a big flood. "
"She's joking yes?" Said Nyi Asih surprised. "Where there may be flooding in the dry season."
"I'm not kidding," said the grandmother. "I am the one who will give lessons on Nyi Endit. Therefore mengungsilah immediately, take your valuable asset, "said the grandmother.
After that the old woman went Nyi Asih leaving the still dazed.
Meanwhile Nyai Endit are enjoying an abundant meal, as did the centengnya. The beggar arrived in front of the house Nyai Endit and directly confronted by the guard.
"Hey old beggar! Get out of here! Do not let this terrace house stepped on your feet dirty! "Guard snapped.
"I want to ask for alms. Maybe there are leftovers I can eat. For three days I did not eat, "said the grandmother.
"What do I care," snapped guard. "Just what I was your father? If you want to eat ya buy do not ask! Go on, get out before I drag! "
But the old woman did not budge in its place. "Nyai Endit out! I want to ask for alms. Nyai Endiiiit ...! "Cried the grandmother.
Guard-guard was trying to drag the old woman who kept yelling, but no luck.
"Who would scream out," said Nyai Endit. "Disturb people eat it!"
"Hey ...! Who are you old woman? Why yelling in front of people? "Snapped Nyai Endit.
"I just want to ask for some food since I was three days without food," said the grandmother.
"Lah .. ga eat the same I ask why? No! Get out of here! Later many flies kissing you smell, "said Nyai Endit.
The grandmother instead of going but instead stuck his stick into the ground and looked Nyai Endit with rage.
"Hey Endit ..! During this time God gave you rijki abundant but you're not grateful. You're stingy! While the villagers were starving and you're wasting food, "cried the old woman angrily. "I came here as an answer to the prayers of the people who are miserable because of your doing! Now prepared to receive your sentence. "
"Ha ha ha ... You want to punish me? No one ya? You do not see the guard-centengku much! Once at it, you'll die, "said Nyai Endit.
"No need to bother me away," said the grandmother. "I'll go from here if you can unplug the stick from the ground."
"You crazy grandmother. So what nyabut stick. Without any effort I could! "Said Nyai Endit arrogant.
Then hup! Nyai Endit try unplugging the stick with one hand. It turned out that the staff did not budge. He tried it with both hands. Hup hup! Still does not budge, too.
"Damn!" Said Nyai Endit. "Hitman! Unplug the stick! Beware if not plucked up. I cut your salary! "
Guard-guard tried to unplug the stick the old woman, but though it was drawn by three people, the staff still did not budge.
"Ha ha ha ... you do not succeed?" Said the grandmother. "Apparently you are not much power. See I would pull out of this stick. "
Brut! With one snap, the stick was lifted off the ground. Byuuuuurrr! Suddenly from the former cane tancapan the grandmother sprinkling of water is very swift.
"Endit! This is the punishment for you! Water is the tears of the people who are miserable because of you. You and all your possessions will be submerged by the water! "
Having said this, the old woman suddenly disappeared somewhere. Endit Nyai who lived panic seen that overflow with rushing water. He tried to run to save his property, but the faster the flood drowning along his property.
In the village has now formed a beautiful little lake. People called it 'Situ Bagendit'. It means coming from the lake and Bagendit Endit said. Some people believe that sometimes we can see the leech of the mattress at the bottom of the lake. He said it was an incarnation Nyai Endit not able to escape from the trap flood.
There bagendit
(Short version)
In ancient times there lived a wealthy widow, named Nyai Endit.
He lived in a village in Garut, West Java. Nyai Endit have treasures that abound. However, he is very stingy and greedy. He is also very arrogant, especially on poor people. One day Nyai Endit hold salvation for his wealth increase. When salvation is going on, there came a beggar. The situation was very pathetic beggars. Her body was very thin and ragged clothes. "Please Nyai, give the food a little slave," the beggar begging. Seeing an old beggar, dirty rags into his house, Nyai Endit was angry and drove the beggar. "Beggars shameless dirty, you go from my house," snapped Nyai Endit. With the sad beggar away. The next day the people are preoccupied with the emergence of a stick stuck in the village street. Everyone's trying to pull out the stick. However, nothing worked. An old beggar who asked for food at Nyai Endit reappear.
Quickly he can revoke it stick. Instantly out a very heavy shower. The longer the water is getting heavy. For fear of flood, the villagers fled. Nyai Endit a greedy miser and would not leave his house. He was very fond of his property. Finally, he sank along with their possessions. Another resident who survived. That said, that the origin of the lake that would later named Situ Bagendit.
Maaf, Nyai Bagendit was known as a woman, not a man. Then, it must be more appropriate if the pronouns "She" and "her" are used to refer to Nyai Bagendit and . Instead of "he" and "his"
BalasHapusIn English there's no repetition words as in Bahasa Indonesia. So, instead of saying "guard-guard" we say "guards".
Well, actually, there are still many more mistakes in this version.
It's good anyway to have such a willing to write the story in English version.