Senin, 28 Maret 2011

coconut chocolate biscuit


80 grams margarine

50 grams sugar

1 whole egg yolk

150 grams of wheat flour

10 grams cocoa powder

¼ teaspoon baking powder

50 grams of dried grated coconut instant, ready-made

Material sow:

1 whole egg yolk

Paurt 25 grams of dried coconut.


1. Shake margarine and sugar until tender.enter egg yolks, beaten flat

2. Add dried coconut, mix well. Enter the flour which has been sifted with cocoa powder, and baking powder, mix well

3.shape dough according to taste, set on a baking sheet which rub of margarine. Rub the top of the cake with egg yolk, sprinkle top with coconut

4.grill in the oven at 165
o until done. Remove from pan when cool.


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